macOS backend
The macOS backend of Bleak is written with pyobjc directives for interfacing with Foundation and CoreBluetooth APIs.
Specific features for the macOS backend
The most noticeable difference between the other backends of bleak and this backend, is that CoreBluetooth doesn’t scan for other devices via Bluetooth address. Instead, UUIDs are utilized that are often unique between the device that is scanning and the device that is being scanned.
In the example files, this is handled in this fashion:
mac_addr = (
if platform.system() != "Darwin"
else "243E23AE-4A99-406C-B317-18F1BD7B4CBE"
As stated above, this will however only work the macOS machine that performed
the scan and thus cached the device as 243E23AE-4A99-406C-B317-18F1BD7B4CBE
There is also no pairing functionality implemented in macOS right now, since it does not seem to be any explicit pairing methods in the COre Bluetooth.
- class bleak.backends.corebluetooth.scanner.BleakScannerCoreBluetooth(detection_callback: Optional[Callable[[BLEDevice, AdvertisementData], Optional[Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]]], service_uuids: Optional[List[str]], scanning_mode: Literal['active', 'passive'], *, cb: CBScannerArgs, **kwargs)[source]
The native macOS Bleak BLE Scanner.
CoreBluetooth doesn’t explicitly use Bluetooth addresses to identify peripheral devices because private devices may obscure their Bluetooth addresses. To cope with this, CoreBluetooth utilizes UUIDs for each peripheral. Bleak uses this for the BLEDevice address on macOS.
- Parameters
detection_callback – Optional function that will be called each time a device is discovered or advertising data has changed.
service_uuids – Optional list of service UUIDs to filter on. Only advertisements containing this advertising data will be received. Required on macOS >= 12.0, < 12.3 (unless you create an app with
).scanning_mode – Set to
to avoid the"active"
scanning mode. Not supported on macOS! Will raiseBleakError
if set to"passive"
**timeout (float) – The scanning timeout to be used, in case of missing
- class bleak.backends.corebluetooth.scanner.CBScannerArgs[source]
args for the CoreBluetooth backend.- use_bdaddr: bool
If true, use Bluetooth address instead of UUID.
This uses an undocumented IOBluetooth API to get the Bluetooth address and may break in the future macOS releases. It is known to not work on macOS 10.15.
BLE Client for CoreBluetooth on macOS
Created on 2019-06-26 by kevincar <>
- class bleak.backends.corebluetooth.client.BleakClientCoreBluetooth(address_or_ble_device: Union[BLEDevice, str], services: Optional[Set[str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]
CoreBluetooth class interface for BleakClient
- Parameters
address_or_ble_device (BLEDevice or str) – The Bluetooth address of the BLE peripheral to connect to or the BLEDevice object representing it.
services – Optional set of service UUIDs that will be used.
- Keyword Arguments
timeout (float) – Timeout for required
call. Defaults to 10.0.
- async connect(**kwargs) bool [source]
Connect to a specified Peripheral
- Keyword Arguments
timeout (float) – Timeout for required
call. Defaults to 10.0.- Returns
Boolean representing connection status.
- async get_services(**kwargs) BleakGATTServiceCollection [source]
Get all services registered for this GATT server.
- Returns
with this device’s services tree.
- property is_connected: bool
Checks for current active connection
- property mtu_size: int
Get ATT MTU size for active connection
- async pair(*args, **kwargs) bool [source]
Attempt to pair with a peripheral.
This is not available on macOS since there is not explicit method to do a pairing, Instead the docs state that it “auto-pairs” when trying to read a characteristic that requires encryption, something Bleak cannot do apparently.
- Returns
Boolean regarding success of pairing.
- async read_gatt_char(char_specifier: Union[BleakGATTCharacteristic, int, str, UUID], use_cached: bool = False, **kwargs) bytearray [source]
Perform read operation on the specified GATT characteristic.
- Parameters
char_specifier (BleakGATTCharacteristic, int, str or UUID) – The characteristic to read from, specified by either integer handle, UUID or directly by the BleakGATTCharacteristic object representing it.
use_cached (bool) – False forces macOS to read the value from the device again and not use its own cached value. Defaults to False.
- Returns
(bytearray) The read data.
- async read_gatt_descriptor(handle: int, use_cached: bool = False, **kwargs) bytearray [source]
Perform read operation on the specified GATT descriptor.
- Parameters
handle (int) – The handle of the descriptor to read from.
use_cached (bool) – False forces Windows to read the value from the device again and not use its own cached value. Defaults to False.
- Returns
(bytearray) The read data.
- async start_notify(characteristic: BleakGATTCharacteristic, callback: Callable[[bytearray], None], **kwargs) None [source]
Activate notifications/indications on a characteristic.
- async stop_notify(char_specifier: Union[BleakGATTCharacteristic, int, str, UUID]) None [source]
Deactivate notification/indication on a specified characteristic.
- Parameters
char_specifier (BleakGATTCharacteristic, int, str or UUID) – The characteristic to deactivate notification/indication on, specified by either integer handle, UUID or directly by the BleakGATTCharacteristic object representing it.
- async write_gatt_char(characteristic: BleakGATTCharacteristic, data: Buffer, response: bool) None [source]
Perform a write operation on the specified GATT characteristic.
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic to write to.
data – The data to send.
response – If write-with-response operation should be done.