Source code for bleak.backends.p4android.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
BLE Client for python-for-android
import asyncio
import logging
import uuid
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Set, Union

from android.broadcast import BroadcastReceiver
from jnius import java_method

from ...exc import BleakError
from ..characteristic import BleakGATTCharacteristic
from ..client import BaseBleakClient, NotifyCallback
from ..device import BLEDevice
from ..service import BleakGATTServiceCollection
from . import defs, utils
from .characteristic import BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android
from .descriptor import BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android
from .service import BleakGATTServiceP4Android

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BleakClientP4Android(BaseBleakClient): """A python-for-android Bleak Client Args: address_or_ble_device: The Bluetooth address of the BLE peripheral to connect to or the :class:`BLEDevice` object representing it. services: Optional set of services UUIDs to filter. """ def __init__( self, address_or_ble_device: Union[BLEDevice, str], services: Optional[Set[uuid.UUID]], **kwargs, ): super(BleakClientP4Android, self).__init__(address_or_ble_device, **kwargs) self._requested_services = ( set(map(defs.UUID.fromString, services)) if services else None ) # kwarg "device" is for backwards compatibility self.__adapter = kwargs.get("adapter", kwargs.get("device", None)) self.__gatt = None self.__mtu = 23 def __del__(self): if self.__gatt is not None: self.__gatt.close() self.__gatt = None # Connectivity methods
[docs] async def connect(self, **kwargs) -> bool: """Connect to the specified GATT server. Returns: Boolean representing connection status. """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.__adapter = defs.BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter() if self.__adapter is None: raise BleakError("Bluetooth is not supported on this hardware platform") if self.__adapter.getState() != defs.BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON: raise BleakError("Bluetooth is not turned on") self.__device = self.__adapter.getRemoteDevice(self.address) self.__callbacks = _PythonBluetoothGattCallback(self, loop) self._subscriptions = {} logger.debug(f"Connecting to BLE device @ {self.address}") (self.__gatt,) = await self.__callbacks.perform_and_wait( dispatchApi=self.__device.connectGatt, dispatchParams=( defs.context, False,, defs.BluetoothDevice.TRANSPORT_LE, ), resultApi="onConnectionStateChange", resultExpected=(defs.BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED,), return_indicates_status=False, ) try: logger.debug("Connection successful.") # unlike other backends, Android doesn't automatically negotiate # the MTU, so we request the largest size possible like BlueZ logger.debug("requesting mtu...") (self.__mtu,) = await self.__callbacks.perform_and_wait( dispatchApi=self.__gatt.requestMtu, dispatchParams=(517,), resultApi="onMtuChanged", ) logger.debug("discovering services...") await self.__callbacks.perform_and_wait( dispatchApi=self.__gatt.discoverServices, dispatchParams=(), resultApi="onServicesDiscovered", ) await self.get_services() except BaseException: # if connecting is canceled or one of the above fails, we need to # disconnect try: await self.disconnect() except Exception: pass raise return True
[docs] async def disconnect(self) -> bool: """Disconnect from the specified GATT server. Returns: Boolean representing if device is disconnected. """ logger.debug("Disconnecting from BLE device...") if self.__gatt is None: # No connection exists. Either one hasn't been created or # we have already called disconnect and closed the gatt # connection. logger.debug("already disconnected") return True # Try to disconnect the actual device/peripheral try: await self.__callbacks.perform_and_wait( dispatchApi=self.__gatt.disconnect, dispatchParams=(), resultApi="onConnectionStateChange", resultExpected=(defs.BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED,), unless_already=True, return_indicates_status=False, ) self.__gatt.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Attempt to disconnect device failed: {e}") self.__gatt = None self.__callbacks = None # Reset all stored services. = None return True
[docs] async def pair(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: """Pair with the peripheral. You can use ConnectDevice method if you already know the MAC address of the device. Else you need to StartDiscovery, Trust, Pair and Connect in sequence. Returns: Boolean regarding success of pairing. """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() bondedFuture = loop.create_future() def handleBondStateChanged(context, intent): bond_state = intent.getIntExtra(defs.BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_BOND_STATE, -1) if bond_state == -1: loop.call_soon_threadsafe( bondedFuture.set_exception, BleakError(f"Unexpected bond state {bond_state}"), ) elif bond_state == defs.BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE: loop.call_soon_threadsafe( bondedFuture.set_exception, BleakError( f"Device with address {self.address} could not be paired with." ), ) elif bond_state == defs.BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED: loop.call_soon_threadsafe(bondedFuture.set_result, True) receiver = BroadcastReceiver( handleBondStateChanged, actions=[defs.BluetoothDevice.ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED], ) receiver.start() try: # See if it is already paired. bond_state = self.__device.getBondState() if bond_state == defs.BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED: return True elif bond_state == defs.BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE: logger.debug(f"Pairing to BLE device @ {self.address}") if not self.__device.createBond(): raise BleakError( f"Could not initiate bonding with device @ {self.address}" ) return await bondedFuture finally: await receiver.stop()
[docs] async def unpair(self) -> bool: """Unpair with the peripheral. Returns: Boolean regarding success of unpairing. """ warnings.warn( "Unpairing is seemingly unavailable in the Android API at the moment." ) return False
@property def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Check connection status between this client and the server. Returns: Boolean representing connection status. """ return ( self.__callbacks is not None and self.__callbacks.states["onConnectionStateChange"][1] == defs.BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED ) @property def mtu_size(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.__mtu # GATT services methods
[docs] async def get_services(self) -> BleakGATTServiceCollection: """Get all services registered for this GATT server. Returns: A :py:class:`bleak.backends.service.BleakGATTServiceCollection` with this device's services tree. """ if is not None: return services = BleakGATTServiceCollection() logger.debug("Get Services...") for java_service in self.__gatt.getServices(): if ( self._requested_services is not None and java_service.getUuid() not in self._requested_services ): continue service = BleakGATTServiceP4Android(java_service) services.add_service(service) for java_characteristic in java_service.getCharacteristics(): characteristic = BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android( java_characteristic, service.uuid, service.handle, self.__mtu - 3, ) services.add_characteristic(characteristic) for descriptor_index, java_descriptor in enumerate( java_characteristic.getDescriptors() ): descriptor = BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android( java_descriptor, characteristic.uuid, characteristic.handle, descriptor_index, ) services.add_descriptor(descriptor) = services return
# IO methods
[docs] async def read_gatt_char( self, char_specifier: Union[BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android, int, str, uuid.UUID], **kwargs, ) -> bytearray: """Perform read operation on the specified GATT characteristic. Args: char_specifier (BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android, int, str or UUID): The characteristic to read from, specified by either integer handle, UUID or directly by the BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android object representing it. Returns: (bytearray) The read data. """ if not isinstance(char_specifier, BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android): characteristic = else: characteristic = char_specifier if not characteristic: raise BleakError( f"Characteristic with UUID {char_specifier} could not be found!" ) (value,) = await self.__callbacks.perform_and_wait( dispatchApi=self.__gatt.readCharacteristic, dispatchParams=(characteristic.obj,), resultApi=("onCharacteristicRead", characteristic.handle), ) value = bytearray(value) logger.debug( f"Read Characteristic {characteristic.uuid} | {characteristic.handle}: {value}" ) return value
[docs] async def read_gatt_descriptor( self, desc_specifier: Union[BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android, str, uuid.UUID], **kwargs, ) -> bytearray: """Perform read operation on the specified GATT descriptor. Args: desc_specifier (BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android, str or UUID): The descriptor to read from, specified by either UUID or directly by the BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android object representing it. Returns: (bytearray) The read data. """ if not isinstance(desc_specifier, BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android): descriptor = else: descriptor = desc_specifier if not descriptor: raise BleakError(f"Descriptor with UUID {desc_specifier} was not found!") (value,) = await self.__callbacks.perform_and_wait( dispatchApi=self.__gatt.readDescriptor, dispatchParams=(descriptor.obj,), resultApi=("onDescriptorRead", descriptor.uuid), ) value = bytearray(value) logger.debug( f"Read Descriptor {descriptor.uuid} | {descriptor.handle}: {value}" ) return value
[docs] async def write_gatt_char( self, characteristic: BleakGATTCharacteristic, data: bytearray, response: bool, ) -> None: if response: characteristic.obj.setWriteType( defs.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.WRITE_TYPE_DEFAULT ) else: characteristic.obj.setWriteType( defs.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.WRITE_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE ) characteristic.obj.setValue(data) await self.__callbacks.perform_and_wait( dispatchApi=self.__gatt.writeCharacteristic, dispatchParams=(characteristic.obj,), resultApi=("onCharacteristicWrite", characteristic.handle), ) logger.debug( f"Write Characteristic {characteristic.uuid} | {characteristic.handle}: {data}" )
[docs] async def write_gatt_descriptor( self, desc_specifier: Union[BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android, str, uuid.UUID], data: bytearray, ) -> None: """Perform a write operation on the specified GATT descriptor. Args: desc_specifier (BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android, str or UUID): The descriptor to write to, specified by either UUID or directly by the BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android object representing it. data (bytes or bytearray): The data to send. """ if not isinstance(desc_specifier, BleakGATTDescriptorP4Android): descriptor = else: descriptor = desc_specifier if not descriptor: raise BleakError(f"Descriptor {desc_specifier} was not found!") descriptor.obj.setValue(data) await self.__callbacks.perform_and_wait( dispatchApi=self.__gatt.writeDescriptor, dispatchParams=(descriptor.obj,), resultApi=("onDescriptorWrite", descriptor.uuid), ) logger.debug( f"Write Descriptor {descriptor.uuid} | {descriptor.handle}: {data}" )
[docs] async def start_notify( self, characteristic: BleakGATTCharacteristic, callback: NotifyCallback, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Activate notifications/indications on a characteristic. """ self._subscriptions[characteristic.handle] = callback assert self.__gatt is not None if not self.__gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic.obj, True): raise BleakError( f"Failed to enable notification for characteristic {characteristic.uuid}" ) await self.write_gatt_descriptor( characteristic.notification_descriptor, defs.BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE, )
[docs] async def stop_notify( self, char_specifier: Union[BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android, int, str, uuid.UUID], ) -> None: """Deactivate notification/indication on a specified characteristic. Args: char_specifier (BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android, int, str or UUID): The characteristic to deactivate notification/indication on, specified by either integer handle, UUID or directly by the BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android object representing it. """ if not isinstance(char_specifier, BleakGATTCharacteristicP4Android): characteristic = else: characteristic = char_specifier if not characteristic: raise BleakError(f"Characteristic {char_specifier} not found!") await self.write_gatt_descriptor( characteristic.notification_descriptor, defs.BluetoothGattDescriptor.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE, ) if not self.__gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic.obj, False): raise BleakError( f"Failed to disable notification for characteristic {characteristic.uuid}" ) del self._subscriptions[characteristic.handle]
class _PythonBluetoothGattCallback(utils.AsyncJavaCallbacks): __javainterfaces__ = [ "com.github.hbldh.bleak.PythonBluetoothGattCallback$Interface" ] def __init__(self, client, loop): super().__init__(loop) self._client = client = defs.PythonBluetoothGattCallback(self) def result_state(self, status, resultApi, *data): if status == defs.BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS: failure_str = None else: failure_str = defs.GATT_STATUS_STRINGS.get(status, status) self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe( self._result_state_unthreadsafe, failure_str, resultApi, data ) @java_method("(II)V") def onConnectionStateChange(self, status, new_state): try: self.result_state(status, "onConnectionStateChange", new_state) except BleakError: pass if ( new_state == defs.BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED and self._client._disconnected_callback is not None ): self._client._disconnected_callback() @java_method("(II)V") def onMtuChanged(self, mtu, status): self.result_state(status, "onMtuChanged", mtu) @java_method("(I)V") def onServicesDiscovered(self, status): self.result_state(status, "onServicesDiscovered") @java_method("(I[B)V") def onCharacteristicChanged(self, handle, value): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe( self._client._subscriptions[handle], bytearray(value.tolist()) ) @java_method("(II[B)V") def onCharacteristicRead(self, handle, status, value): self.result_state( status, ("onCharacteristicRead", handle), bytes(value.tolist()) ) @java_method("(II)V") def onCharacteristicWrite(self, handle, status): self.result_state(status, ("onCharacteristicWrite", handle)) @java_method("(Ljava/lang/String;I[B)V") def onDescriptorRead(self, uuid, status, value): self.result_state(status, ("onDescriptorRead", uuid), bytes(value.tolist())) @java_method("(Ljava/lang/String;I)V") def onDescriptorWrite(self, uuid, status): self.result_state(status, ("onDescriptorWrite", uuid))