Source code for bleak.backends.bluezdbus.scanner

import logging
from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, TypedDict
from warnings import warn

from dbus_fast import Variant

from ...exc import BleakError
from ..scanner import AdvertisementData, AdvertisementDataCallback, BaseBleakScanner
from .advertisement_monitor import OrPatternLike
from .defs import Device1
from .manager import get_global_bluez_manager
from .utils import bdaddr_from_device_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BlueZDiscoveryFilters(TypedDict, total=False): """ Dictionary of arguments for the ``org.bluez.Adapter1.SetDiscoveryFilter`` D-Bus method. """ UUIDs: List[str] """ Filter by service UUIDs, empty means match _any_ UUID. Normally, the ``service_uuids`` argument of :class:`bleak.BleakScanner` is used instead. """ RSSI: int """ RSSI threshold value. """ Pathloss: int """ Pathloss threshold value. """ Transport: str """ Transport parameter determines the type of scan. This should not be used since it is required to be set to ``"le"``. """ DuplicateData: bool """ Disables duplicate detection of advertisement data. This does not affect the ``Filter Duplicates`` parameter of the ``LE Set Scan Enable`` HCI command to the Bluetooth adapter! Although the default value for BlueZ is ``True``, Bleak sets this to ``False`` by default. """ Discoverable: bool """ Make adapter discoverable while discovering, if the adapter is already discoverable setting this filter won't do anything. """ Pattern: str """ Discover devices where the pattern matches either the prefix of the address or device name which is convenient way to limited the number of device objects created during a discovery. """
[docs]class BlueZScannerArgs(TypedDict, total=False): """ :class:`BleakScanner` args that are specific to the BlueZ backend. """ filters: BlueZDiscoveryFilters """ Filters to pass to the adapter SetDiscoveryFilter D-Bus method. Only used for active scanning. """ or_patterns: List[OrPatternLike] """ Or patterns to pass to the AdvertisementMonitor1 D-Bus interface. Only used for passive scanning. """
[docs]class BleakScannerBlueZDBus(BaseBleakScanner): """The native Linux Bleak BLE Scanner. For possible values for `filters`, see the parameters to the ``SetDiscoveryFilter`` method in the `BlueZ docs <>`_ Args: detection_callback: Optional function that will be called each time a device is discovered or advertising data has changed. service_uuids: Optional list of service UUIDs to filter on. Only advertisements containing this advertising data will be received. Specifying this also enables scanning while the screen is off on Android. scanning_mode: Set to ``"passive"`` to avoid the ``"active"`` scanning mode. **bluez: Dictionary of arguments specific to the BlueZ backend. **adapter (str): Bluetooth adapter to use for discovery. """ def __init__( self, detection_callback: Optional[AdvertisementDataCallback], service_uuids: Optional[List[str]], scanning_mode: Literal["active", "passive"], *, bluez: BlueZScannerArgs, **kwargs, ): super(BleakScannerBlueZDBus, self).__init__(detection_callback, service_uuids) self._scanning_mode = scanning_mode # kwarg "device" is for backwards compatibility self._adapter: Optional[str] = kwargs.get("adapter", kwargs.get("device")) # callback from manager for stopping scanning if it has been started self._stop: Optional[Callable[[], Coroutine]] = None # Discovery filters self._filters: Dict[str, Variant] = {} self._filters["Transport"] = Variant("s", "le") self._filters["DuplicateData"] = Variant("b", False) if self._service_uuids: self._filters["UUIDs"] = Variant("as", self._service_uuids) filters = kwargs.get("filters") if filters is None: filters = bluez.get("filters") else: warn( "the 'filters' kwarg is deprecated, use 'bluez' kwarg instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if filters is not None: self.set_scanning_filter(filters=filters) self._or_patterns = bluez.get("or_patterns") if self._scanning_mode == "passive" and service_uuids: logger.warning( "service uuid filtering is not implemented for passive scanning, use bluez or_patterns as a workaround" ) if self._scanning_mode == "passive" and not self._or_patterns: raise BleakError("passive scanning mode requires bluez or_patterns")
[docs] async def start(self) -> None: manager = await get_global_bluez_manager() if self._adapter: adapter_path = f"/org/bluez/{self._adapter}" else: adapter_path = manager.get_default_adapter() self.seen_devices = {} if self._scanning_mode == "passive": self._stop = await manager.passive_scan( adapter_path, self._or_patterns, self._handle_advertising_data, self._handle_device_removed, ) else: self._stop = await manager.active_scan( adapter_path, self._filters, self._handle_advertising_data, self._handle_device_removed, )
[docs] async def stop(self) -> None: if self._stop: # avoid reentrancy stop, self._stop = self._stop, None await stop()
[docs] def set_scanning_filter(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Sets OS level scanning filters for the BleakScanner. For possible values for `filters`, see the parameters to the ``SetDiscoveryFilter`` method in the `BlueZ docs <>`_ See variant types here: <> Keyword Args: filters (dict): A dict of filters to be applied on discovery. """ for k, v in kwargs.get("filters", {}).items(): if k == "UUIDs": self._filters[k] = Variant("as", v) elif k == "RSSI": self._filters[k] = Variant("n", v) elif k == "Pathloss": self._filters[k] = Variant("n", v) elif k == "Transport": self._filters[k] = Variant("s", v) elif k == "DuplicateData": self._filters[k] = Variant("b", v) elif k == "Discoverable": self._filters[k] = Variant("b", v) elif k == "Pattern": self._filters[k] = Variant("s", v) else: logger.warning("Filter '%s' is not currently supported." % k)
# Helper methods def _handle_advertising_data(self, path: str, props: Device1) -> None: """ Handles advertising data received from the BlueZ manager instance. Args: path: The D-Bus object path of the device. props: The D-Bus object properties of the device. """ _service_uuids = props.get("UUIDs", []) if not self.is_allowed_uuid(_service_uuids): return # Get all the information wanted to pack in the advertisement data _local_name = props.get("Name") _manufacturer_data = { k: bytes(v) for k, v in props.get("ManufacturerData", {}).items() } _service_data = {k: bytes(v) for k, v in props.get("ServiceData", {}).items()} # Get tx power data tx_power = props.get("TxPower") # Pack the advertisement data advertisement_data = AdvertisementData( local_name=_local_name, manufacturer_data=_manufacturer_data, service_data=_service_data, service_uuids=_service_uuids, tx_power=tx_power, rssi=props.get("RSSI", -127), platform_data=(path, props), ) device = self.create_or_update_device( props["Address"], props["Alias"], {"path": path, "props": props}, advertisement_data, ) self.call_detection_callbacks(device, advertisement_data) def _handle_device_removed(self, device_path: str) -> None: """ Handles a device being removed from BlueZ. """ try: bdaddr = bdaddr_from_device_path(device_path) del self.seen_devices[bdaddr] except KeyError: # The device will not have been added to self.seen_devices if no # advertising data was received, so this is expected to happen # occasionally. pass